Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Year of the Franc or is it?

It's really dificult to assess if this were a good or bad year... definitely hit some milestones... but a large part of th year was real difficult at least stress wise... on the other hand, there's also a travel galore with 10 out of the country trip and a domestic tip during the year...

2008 was the year I transitioned from Audit/Accounting to Finance and eventually learning the ABCs of raising funds... which at this time is difficult due to the credit crunch but the nice part of it was that I raised the long-term funds on time... The experience no matter how tough was a reward in itself and should do well in my career in the long run...

Travel has been hectic but I'm glad to be able to sneak in vacation in Australia, Hong Kong and Palawan during the year... and various trips to Cambodia, Taiwan, Vietnam and Singapore... A middle ground having my share of foreign travel but having most of my time at Home...

Friends has been over the world and glad that during this foreign trips I get to touch base with some of my foreign based friends... and back home there's still those routine getaways and birthday gatherings... a nice chance to reconnect...

I can say 2008 was more of a rollercoaster year but ended up on a good note...

2009 and beyond

I'm looking for less stress... more focus on my personal life... more travels... savings (I can't say more savings since there's none to start with)... and a lot more adventure with family and friends... I think the bottom resolution is to try to be more positive and be more decisive in making decisions... =>

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