Thursday, August 28, 2008


Life is a game of Sodoku!!!

There are some pieces that are fixed and given... and yet there are some blank spots that makes up the riddle... and just seeing a portion of the puzzle doesn't really get you anywhere... unless you get to see the whole picture... and somehow, the answers to the riddles come out by seeing how the fixed pieces relate to the whole picture... and the best part about it is there is always a solution... no matter how difficult it may be...

And that is the portion, I'd want to see, there's always a solution as long as you know how to work with what is given and learning how they are related to uncertain items... I guess I keep this parallelism since it gives me the idea that things may not appear as I want, but this are all part of the pieces that leads us to the right choices... and the right choices that unravels the riddle of life...

Now back to solving my game of Sodoku!!! =>

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