Saturday, August 23, 2008


It happened so fast... even after office hours, I got a call that I would be needed to take part with a meeting with a bank in Cambodia... No ticket, no cash advance and no plan... So as part of my two-kets blog, it's now e-ket or emergency ticket... Was able to make some calls to arrange the advance and had to rush to our travel agent early morning for my e-ket and wahlah... I'm off on another foreign business trip... Too bad, it had to eat a portion of my long weekend... waah...

Monday Ph-Ho Chi Min-Phnom Penh
Tuesday Phnom-Penh - Kampong Cham - Phnom Penh
Wednesday Phnom Penh-Ho Chi Min-Ph
Thursday Makati Office
Friday - Four day vacation in Hong Kong

Well, I expected the travel but not at such short notice... all part of the job... Hay life!!! As things may seem, I may need to have a few more travel within the year... Maybe I ought to stop blogging about tw0-kets or three-kets as it always turns out there's always an e-ket that follows... Anyway, two more days to enjoy in Ph... =>

Excess Inkblogs: I'm starting to miss Ph already knowing that I'll be almost barely here in the next week and a half...

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