Tuesday, July 29, 2008

A Piece of My Thoughts...

I've been planning to write something about the social situation in the Philippines but somehow, every time I start with something I delete it. Why? I realized that there are already so much people giving their two cents worth (worthless) advice. Then at least, I'd like to say a bit that's socially relevant.

The time has been trying with prices of basic necessities surging... and surging real fast. The remedies government dole-outs doesn't really solve the problem. If the government really has money to spare then they should use it to control the cost of basic necessities. There's the way of temporarily reducing duties in basic commodities to ease the cost to consumer until the uptrend is over. I guess, the dole-out method is more dramatic on a political landscape.

The one trait the people have is its resiliency... no matter what happens people can still smile and be content. I just hope that the trying times will pass... I guess that is what sets this nation apart...HOPE...

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