Friday, August 31, 2007

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Several random events transpired today...

Bumped into SGV Friend Anna after lunch with Jing and ECP... She's gonna be back to work and her office is a stone throw away from my office... Yehey... more of my Sioberella in the next days to come... Good!!!

Met AGSB Friend, Grace for the much postponed movie time... and after all the postponement... we ended up watching invasion (about invasion later)... anyway, had dinner at a japanese restaurant in Rockwell... Still Good!!!

The movie, Invasion, was not that good... People being infected by an alien strain which would genetically alter the person genes and become a different person without emotion... after all the build up, it ended so abruptly with such a simple solution... a kid who was immune from the strain... Really Ugly!!!

The only good thing was that it was the first time that we were well behaved and silent in a movie, too bad Alpha (busy with her hubby) was not able to see our behaved version... we are usually noisy during movie time... Good, I guess???

Maybe the effect of the movie, everybody was rushing home so traffic started at Rockwell carpark... then Makati Ave... then Jupiter... and the worst of it was I wasn't able to get a decent carpark at home... Real Bad!!!

Anyway, will probably do something fun tomorrow... hehe... Great!!!

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