Tuesday, April 01, 2008

On a Mental Blog

I remember the term mental block when you suddenly forget everything you studied on a major exam in school... Now, I'm on a mental blog that no matter how much my desire to blog, nothing seems interesting enough to write about...

In a phase of interlude right now... still tired on finishing a difficult job yet lack focus and energy to start a new phase... Numb from barely surviving a heartbeat-stopping deadline and having to go through an emotional roller coaster in the weeks that passed... and now, things have shifted to its lighter side even if I still have a list of to dos...

An at the very least, I can start penciling summer vacation as part of my things to do... but for now, my main to do is rejuvenate patience, energy, and all the lost time... and the summer time is a very rational excuse to escape... hide and seek for adults at its finest... back to my natural bakasyonista self... =>

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