Monday, February 04, 2008

It's Monday Again...

It's Monday again... not that it matters as of now, I'm not able to differentiate a weekend with a weekday... the only difference that it's easier to work on weekends with not so many people in the office... but who knows... soon, maybe I could...

Anyway, just remembered how someone told me that there's nothing wrong with being nice... most of the time, I lived by it... yet at times, I have second thoughts... Somehow, people don't want nice people as much... there are so many stereotypes associated with such a word - boring, soft and weak... then add to the fact that you tend to finish later because you always tend to give way...

Maybe there's just an equitable mix to keep the balance... after all, nobody is perfect... Just the same time, I'm not someone who dwell on what some people think... yet that doesn't mean I will be always nice... I'll be irresponsible at times... people won't miss you when you're always around... hehe...

But as now, I need to be responsible enough to remain focused... the last I checked, there's still quite a long list of to dos... before the next board meeting... so from being nice, it's back to my cruel deadline...=<

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