Monday, January 14, 2008

Blogging Early Monday Morning

By this time, if ever you're a reader of my inkblogs... it should be common knowledge now that my coding date is Monday... so here am I blogging early Monday morning... sure beats a bout of sleepy spells...

I received an email about how can someone do additional work for P800 increase last Friday... My take... there's such a word as professionalism... and increase or no increase, there's still a job to be done... and there's always alternative... if you think you're that good and I'm sure someone is more than willing to pay you more than P800 increase...

I'm seeing things in a new perspective... if you can't offer something new... develop new skills or increase responsibilities... then there's nothing to expect... People should be more dynamic in improving their craft and not waiting around for annual increases... There's always a fair way to see things... and speaking of fair... I've finally had my salary proposal for three departments approved ... I just hope it gets implemented soon...

After a busy Friday... meetings... rushing reports... and all the drama... I had a nice and restful weekend spent mostly on series marathon of Charmed... Saturday night at Cig's with Eunice (Missed Mascy, Jan and Bogz by a few hours)... and a short gym workout late Sunday...

And now it's back to work at Monday... Glad to recharge a bit before the busy times come...

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