Monday, June 04, 2007

Cambodia Wave 1

Left for Cambodia last May 28 for a week-long trip to visit our manufacturing facility at Cambodia via Thai Airways... The first few days was spent in Phnom Penh, the Capital of Cambodia... Phnom Penh looked like an older version of Metro Manila though it boasts of the Royal Palace and have motorcycles and TukTuk as its primary vehicles... Didn't really go around Phnom Penh but was able to have a quick glance as we past through some of the key monuments like the Independence monument, the Royal Palace and a few temples and pagodas along the way...

Going to Kampong Cham province where our manufacturing facilities are located; was like going past the rice fields in central luzon before but one thing that did stand out was that the day was so clear and you can actually appreciate the clouds and the blue sky and how they mesh with the fields.... At our plant, it was quite educational watching the whole process from cotton spinning to coming our with the linens... It's both asset and labor intensive but a on the other hand, the linen manufacturing industry is not as solid as other industries owing to the power of China exporters... but it's still doing fine as of now...

Of course, this was the work part of the part... and in time, it'll be about the fun part of the tour... a weekend spent in Angkor Wat... Up Next...

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