Friday, April 13, 2007

Introducing Charisse Margaux L. de Ramos

I got my first glance at my newest inaanak yesterday, Charisse Margaux when I met my good friend and now a proud dad to cute little Charm, Arnold... Charm gonna be welcomed to the Christian world this saturday (Too bad, I won't be able to come... huhu...) ... Ok, the term should have been my soon to be inaanak cause I'm only Ninong Franc starting Saturday...
The place was at Good Earth in Greenbelt 3 and Arnold came carrying his little bundle of joy... Charm is such a pretty baby and quite tall for her age... though unfortunately for me, she was asleep all the time during the dinner... Next time, we meet Charm, I'm gonna enjoy carrying you, playing with you and just seeing you again... and I know you're gonna grow up just fine...
Dinner was great and quite a long conversation with Arnold since it's been quite some time since we last saw each other... I think the last time was during his wedding where I was part of the entourage... Arnold has matured a lot over the years in wisdom, not really age... A lot of laughs and stories came and went, with baby Charm, still fast asleep... Arnold has always been a funny person ever since college and I'm glad he found his smile again in his wife Odha and daughter Charm... and by the time, I'd have my own kids, I've asked fewer questions to the doctor because Arnold has already provided the answers albeit in his usual jolly way.

I'm happy that even though I won't be able to attend Charm's christening due to a previous commitment, I had the chance to meet Arnold's lucky Charm before she goes to Indonesia where Arnold's family is now based... Welcome to the world Charm and I'll see you around!!!

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