Saturday, April 07, 2007


I finally completed the 18 Chapters of Heroes, which I started Tuesday last week. I liked this series since it was a bit different from other series in the sense that it was covered by one major story line for the whole season. The series starts a bit dragging since you have to get to know so many diverse characters but as the series goes on, it evolves into an exciting and suspense-filled series. I really can’t wait for the 19th episode to the season finale… As good and evil consolidates its forces and powers towards a grand finale, you start to appreciate the interlocking plots among the shows key characters…

Saving the world… That’s what heroes do… Quite a cool thing… having powers and using it to make a difference… And in that train of thought, with powers or none, I guess I can still do my fair share in saving the world by… reaching out a helping hand… being a wall others could lean on… imparting a thought or some knowledge when needed… making people smile and look at things in a positive light… or just plain being dependable most of the time…

And speaking of heroes, maybe I should pay tribute to bar topnotcher Noel Malimban, who was a schoolmate in college, an officemate and a housemate in SGV before he took up law… An admirable trait of this guy that he remains modest and humble despite the accolades… He still emerged on top despite having fewer resources than others… Congrats… Noel!!!

Incidentally, it’s national heroes’ day on April 9 and of course, this is no way related to my hero-thon (Heroes Marathon) but since, it’s a holiday… It makes the holy week a lot longer… Might as well pay tribute to all the heroes out there… never give up on saving the world…

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