Friday, March 09, 2007

It's a Good Earth Birthday with AGSB Friends

As the clock turned over a new day yesterday (March 8) - officially switching to March 9, my birthday... I was in the company of my friends from AGSB in Good Earth at Rockwell...

The party started hours before with early birds Mascy, Diane, Blue and Owen arriving earlier than me... and as the night went along and so were the other guests... Grace, Anton, Jan, Sig, Chelsea, Bogz, Nikki, Rocky, Jay and MJ... It was a time for a lot of catching up... and having another chance to get together again...

It was fun getting to see each other again and for me it's a welcome relief after all the stress with all my deadlines lately... A great way to welcome a birth day... in the Company of great people called friends...

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