Saturday, December 02, 2006


I was doing my laundry last Thursday... when I fell asleep after the second batch of laundry... I woke up several hours later to transfer my clothes in the dryer and finish my laundry... The past few weeks must have taken its toll on me... so the next day was spent on just rest and rest alone...

Actually, still was able to do something a bit productive... while waiting for the installation of my cable last friday... I was typing some of my compilations which I'll be adding in the Litmix section of my Blog later... Yehey, I can now enjoy the joys of cable tv again... (FYI... after transferring to my new apartment, I wasn't able to watch cable tv for about a month since the building is just newly constructed...

After cable was installed in my apartment, I had to rush to Megamall to have my laptop fixed... which fortunately, was still under warranty... Come to think of it, all my life, this was the first time I was able to reap the benefits of warranty coming with the product... It was another few hours wait... But since the past few weeks have been so hectic, I didn't mind just sitting in the service center just reading magazines... It's not really everyday that I got time to waste...

Well... sometimes idle time is also important once in a while as we all need to replenish our energy at some point in time... hopefully, things would be easier approaching Christmas... Naaah, I doubt...

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