Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Franc on Daylight Saving Time

I've noticed that my day has been so short since I switched to a 9-7 work schedule because somehow I never met the 8-6 work schedule we had in the office... I'm such a sleepy head... Regular days usually involved working out after office hours and me reaching home by 10 pm... leaving me such little time at night...

Well, since I'm not used to routine, I decided to vary my personal schedule by leaving home at 6:30.. to avoid the traffic since I'm such a newbie when it comes to driving... workout from 7-9 before going to work... then I have all my time after work to do other stuff... It's like a self imposed dailylight saving time...

It's the first day of approaching my day this way and I feel much better since I've been able to burn so many calories very early and I don't feel sleepy anymore plus I have all the energy to work out since its the first activity of the day... I hope I can maintain this schedule as I think it makes me more productive... and a lot healthier... Well, my fingers are crossed...

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