Sunday, July 04, 2010

Running Away From You

This is my fourth run and I'm still looking to having a few more runs in the next weeks to come. Getting to the finish line is such a refreshing experience especially after being one among more than 28,000 runners to brave the early morning heat. My second time at 5k but it looked more like 6K counting all the swervings you have to make due to the volume of people. My Ipod did confirm that the distance was indeed 6K. Forget that my head is aching a bit from the heat, my feet are a bit sore and I'm still trying to recover some lost energy... Running has been satisfying and I hope to try to trim down with more running but I really need to exert more time to train.

I'd rather have this type of headache from a healthy activity than the usual headache I get at the office for all the minor annoyances. I hope that people start building up on their own merits than trying to pull some people down. Maybe things at times are not fair but whatever I have, I earned it and work hard for it. I'm up for my next major challenge - half year reports. I don't plan to spend so much time in the office as efficiency is always a better goal.

It looks like some effort in the beginning of the year did not pay dividend but I guess, that's just the way things are. Not all efforts are rewarded with the desired results but that shouldn't stop us from trying. At the end of the day, it's still just work and the sooner you work with what you have, the faster you get to chase your next milestone. Come to think of it, I was able to explore new experiences by chasing the impossible before.

My schedule is now veering away from my anti-social mode. I've been able to touch base with former colleagues last week and would have a chance to get to meet more in the alumni homecoming next Tuesday and just to keep the record straight, I'm still enjoying my time as a client rather than being an auditor even if I've been spending so much time in my former circles lately.

It's a full month before next month's board meeting and I'm squeezing as much places to visit in my trip to China as I'm trying to reduce my travel load lately so will be juggling from one place to another. I'm not looking forward to that day yet as we are miles apart from all the 'to dos' to be accomplished but we'll get there one baby step at a time... =>

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