Monday, June 28, 2010

When All Else Fails

I rarely take a glance into the future since for the most part of my life, I've been occupied by the worries of today and at times, the burden of yesterday. Today is not really that bad either but some things are just not in their proper balance. I still have a missing ingredient to find and it'll be an essential piece in my life's recipe. At this time, the only thing certain about the future is uncertainty and if by a sudden twist of faith, when all else fails... I'll be ready or if I'm not, I now know that I'll have a support group that's gonna be there...

Speaking of missing ingredients, I'm still pissed of by people who determine their missing ingredient by what others have received and not on what they need or deserve. Things are much simpler than some envious brains can unravel. Not everything is given... not everything is fair... but for the most of things, it can be earned... Deal with it!!!! When people receive something, it means they earned it or deserve it or is part of a group that achieved a special task. No more, no less... Trust, respect and everything else is earned and not demanded. I only help people who need it and not people who demand it. I'll keep things cool this time but the next time I'm being attacked or anyone in my protection bubble, all hell is gonna break loose... and yes, that is a threat...

It was a good thing that in the midst of all the noise around, I was able to take a breather in 88 Hot Springs in Laguna with family. It was refreshing and relaxing and just a little over the hour drive from Manila. I enjoyed the warm pools and the dip at the energy pool was a unique experience. The 37-43 degrees water temperature was a real challenge. It was a nice get away and it was good to catch up from all the summer getaways I didn't take the past few months. I guess summer is as long as you want it to be in this part of the world.

It was also a welcome experience to watch the launch of a future major player in the auditing profession last night and I was impressed by the launch and glad to meet a lot of my MC2 mentors and colleagues in this event. It's a rare event that a new player comes up in the audit industry so was glad to take part in this event.

Today being a holiday is just perfect timing. The weekend has been tiring with all the 'sundo' chores that came with it. I am just glad that before the break, we did make some headway in our half year preparations. I feel that we're starting to resolve several issues now and hopefully, it's gonna be smooth half year closing and the rest I'd rather leave as tomorrow's burden... =>

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Running in the Rain

I was a kid today. A normal 5K run became something different and exhilarating - Running in the Rain. It do remind me of the carefree times when we were kids playing in the rain. This time it was during a run that was made difficult by rain soaked clothes and shoes, slippery terrain and the continuous falling of the rain. It was really fun and was glad to finish the run amidst the cool breeze that came with the rain.

I hope I was a kid for the rest of last week to but I guess, things are not as rosy as expected. I feel that someone out there is anxiously waiting for me to fail. I hope I am wrong but trust is not something I can just give away that easily. I'll be vigilant and be cautious but a constant know-it-all lectures even when it is inappropriate and premature won't stop me from getting the job done. I guess that's how I work - not necessarily Mr. Popularity but always effective and creative. At the end of the day, if you're a diamond, you'll always glisten. If you are trash, you'll always stink.

The busy days are approaching and I'm slowly emerging from my anti-social shell. Come to think of it, the slack I thought I can enjoy after AGM never really came because of eternal meetings and that's the problem with some people really. They spend so much time talking about the problem than finding the solutions. Oh well, there's so much know-it-alls trying to outwit each other. For me, I'll just continue seeking answers instead in overreacting with all those questions. I have burst some of my protection bubbles by allowing people more leeway to present what they have to offer. It's best to let people have ownership with what they do even if it means it would take more time and mistakes.
I'm still ecstatic of Purple & Gold's come from behind championship win over Green. I'm glad that I've been rooting for Purple & Gold all this time. It was a nice series though and Green was a worthy adversary. Hope they can make it a three-peat next year.

Weekends have been packed lately and I guess that's always a welcome change. I just hope to have more runs and training and be healthy in the process. Speaking of health, I just hope I don't get to be sick after running in the rain but who cares, it was real fun running in the rain.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Burnt & Roasted

We've wasted so much time in meetings last week and was able to overcome some challenges but when the rewards came in, it didn't feel satisfying. It was not because the rewards was meager but more on that the scope and goals should be properly outlined and measured before an able rewards system should be in place. At the end of it all, reward or no reward, it's all part of the job. This is my way of telling no more quick-fix challenges but time to prepare for long-term directions.

Despite the barrage of meetings, solutions are starting to pop up and that coming from the limited non-meeting times. Well, I appear unenthusiastic on meetings but it's really a long drawn out anxiety from a previous cycle of meetings and ending up resolving nothing. At least, I did beg off from further meetings in the coming week due to the monthly reporting deadlines.

After all the challenges and the meetings, I finally had my fun in the sun in the form of a trip in Cebu and it was a good change in pace. Nothing beats bumming around in a hammock surrounded by water and a breeze of fresh air. It was nice that this time I wasn't involved with the usual drama of everyday life. I'm burnt and roasted and stuck in a bit of vacation hangover but who cares, I had a great time. The family's off to home now and all things are back to normal, or so I think... Yeah, some of my cousins from down under is flying in so have to look forward to that too...

A lot of stories have intertwined and apart from thinking of the highs and lows is the continuous chase of living through the peaks and valleys that comes along the way. The plot lines may be complicated and the resolutions may be murky but the story goes on... That's all that matters, that's all I care...

Life lives, life dies. Life laughs, life cries. Life gives up and life tries. but life looks differently through everyone's eyes.

Sunday, June 06, 2010

All Messed Up

I've been wondering how I've been bouncing from being fine from time to time and from being so lost for the rest. I guess, I'm all messed up still trying to balance things out. Seriously, I need new milestones to catch. Surviving by the day may be so little of a goal but its what I have to do for now. I'm not necessarily in the worst of time but not knowing what I want to look forward to is not a good thing either.

This time I'd live things as they are - Messed up and murky. For beginners, I'm not the most organized person to start with but somehow I still manage to keep things at bay and in control. Of course, some things are beyond our control and at times we can do is hope. The best I can do is to keep myself occupied with something productive. I've been occupied with series of items to resolve and then I'm also having my 'lolo' sleep early and longer mode.

Hibernation mode... That's the mode I am in... I've been spending less and less time away from home. I've managed to catch up and finished vampire diaries last week. I'll be needing a new series for the week to come and I don't plan to end my hibernation anytime soon since the rainy season is starting to breeze in. Oh no!!! I haven't hit the beach and its rainy season already. Oh well, I'll just hope to enjoy my short breather in Cebu come next long weekend.

It was a good thing though that even if I'm camping in my anti-social shell, I've still managed to meet some NF JPIA friends and I did have fun staying up 'til 5 am to welcome the weekend. Anyway, I'm looking forward to developing healthy habits. I'm starting to be tempted to do more runs though I don't think my cramps prone bone structure is meant for this but I'll still try more and have fun in the process.

It's all messed up but it's a phase I'm taking and the good part of not seeing what's up ahead is that you leave the window for surprises to come in... =>